
How can we capture real time responses to live TV sports?


Working alongside technology partner MindProber, we have produced a data solution that allows one of the world’s most famous sports brands, Formula 1, to improve at-home fan engagement with televised content, and bring some of the buzz of the live events into people’s living rooms.

In order to optimise their content, Formula 1 needed a solution that eliminated post-rationalisation and delivered in-the-moment, implicit responses.


Our biometric data solution allows Formula 1 to capture real-time engagement with long-form content in a non-intrusive way; and adjust future content in line with the results.

This work resulted in the world’s first ever in-home biometric study of a live F1 race. The solution gave F1 insight into viewers’ engagement with both the on-track action and the live feed.

65% say F1 puts fans first after watching the race

97% said they would be interested in doing another biometric survey


Using this insight, F1 has been able to optimise future broadcasts in order to effectively engage viewers. The implicit methodology allowed F1 to bypass rational deliberation to get the in-the-moment, true opinions of respondents while watching an F1 race.

By using a passive tool to measure engagement, we delivered a data solution that allowed F1 to identify the most important factors in a race, how these affected satisfaction levels among viewers, and how to improve it.

“The research provided us with a far more detailed understanding than we could have imagined of how viewers engage with a race. Above all, for the first time ever, we can use this data within a true data science environment deploying techniques such as machine learning to inform us of the path to better fan satisfaction. The value of the research is clear, and we’re very keen to build a bank of knowledge about our fans’ engagement so that we can move the sport forward in the right way.”

Pat Symonds, Chief Technical Officer